The New Life

I have been an absolutely terrible blogger this year, but I’m not worried about it because the thing that has been keeping me from the internets is my fantastic new life.

Of course it’s not all perfect…i desperately want a different job, and living at home is driving me crazy, but at least I have a job and a place to stay.

But while this year has been wonderful, I think next year is going to be insanely fantastic! I will be starting my Social Work course at Uni, starting my volunteer mentoring with an at-risk youth, new job (I’m determined to get something in the new year) AND (fingers crossed) hopefully moving in with the man into our own place!

Which means…i probably won’t be doing a whole lot of blogging next year either. So, for anyone that wants to keep in touch I’m active on Facebook, Pinterest and email. I’m also going to try being more active in the comments of all your blogs again, but I won’t make any promises.

Hope you all have a lovely Christmas and that 2014 is insanely fantastic for you too 😀


So, I’ve written two posts now…both of which have disappeared somehow.

Obviously I’m not supposed to give you all a full update of what’s been happening, so I’ll just say that I’m alive and things are going well.

Also, requesting crossed fingers, toes etc for a successful job application 🙂

Just Stuff

Crap day at work today, not surprisingly. You know how some days you just KNOW that something is going to go wrong? That’s how I felt this morning.

Should finally find out tomorrow if I’ve gotten into my course or not.

Did my first bit of Christmas shopping today. Getting in extremely early, I know, but I’m usually a last minute girl when it comes to Christmas presents and this year I have extremely limited funds so I’ve decided to pick up bits and pieces where I can over the next few months…super organized this year!

The guy took me or for a fancy dinner at a winery the other week. They had multiple knives and forks! A first for me (and apparently not the last). Luckily I’ve seen Pretty Woman enough times to know I had to work from the outside in. Also met his friends from his volunteer organization, was a good night until his ex showed up just as we were leaving. She gave him crap about going so we ended up hanging around as a show of good faith, was a little awkward, especially since I’m pretty sure she was crying the first few minutes. But all in all an ok night and I think they liked me ok.

Also my Nan fell and broke her hip, she’s doing ok but it caused a heap of drama between my mum and her sisters. It’s amazing how people are never around until there’s a chance for brownie points.

Well that’s about it for now, will update when I hear about the course.

Currently reading- Agnes and the Hitman by Jenny Crusie and Bob Mayer…need me some lighthearted fun.